
Enroll in Online Dyslexia Training Today!

Dyslexia is a common learning difficulty that mostly impacts the abilities required for accurate and fluent word reading and spelling. However, dyslexia can have a variety of effects on a child or young person. For instance, a learner may struggle with math (Dyscalculia) and writing (Dysgraphia), as poor working memory can affect mental calculation and sequencing. They could struggle to quickly process verbal instructions, or they might come off as disorganized and unfocused. They can find it harder to control their bodily movements (Dyspraxia). Dyslexia can be a disorientating and confusing condition that can negatively impact the learner’s self-esteem and confidence in learning.

10-15% of the population have dyslexia. Students with dyslexia are frequently either excused from learning additional languages or perform poorly in such classes. The most recent definition of dyslexia and how it impacts a student’s capacity to acquire languages are covered in this course. You’ll examine the most recent methods for instructing dyslexic pupils and have access to a wealth of materials for teaching dyslexia.

The dyslexia training online course’s materials and tasks are made to be adaptable to a range of language learning contexts, including the instruction of English as a foreign language.

What topics will you cover?

  • The characteristics of dyslexia and related learning challenges
  • The impact of dyslexia and other learning problems on picking up new languages
  • Inclusion in the language classroom
  • Assisting dyslexic language learners with technology
  • Specific assignments and methods for teaching languages to dyslexic kids

What will you achieve?

After finishing the dyslexia training program, you’ll be able to…

  • Show that you are aware of how dyslexia and other learning challenges affect your ability to learn new languages.
  • When learning a new language, consider the requirements of students who have dyslexia and other learning challenges.
  • Analyze the tools that are utilized to teach languages to students who have dyslexia and other learning challenges.
  • Create language-learning exercises for students who have dyslexia and other learning difficulties.
  • Use inclusive language teaching methods in the appropriate situations.

Who is the course for?

This dyslexia training program is designed for parents, school teachers, professional language teachers, postgraduates, undergraduates, and anyone with an interest in dyslexia and language learning.

It provides you with both theoretical and practical insights on how to best serve and accommodate dyslexic students.